Strategic modules free or by registration

We joined 2 soccer greats to talk about a specific topic of great impact and interest, privileged information for attendees, under the experience in the sports industry and the professionalism of Nelson Ramos and the guest.

Proposal and dynamics for the event:

Nelson Ramos + guest + Tito Puccettic (Moderator)

Duration: 2 hours.

Dynamics: 4 segments (20 minutes to talk about each topic) x 30 minutes to answer questions from the audience.

Attendees: 100 people approx.

Ticket Cost: $ 45,000

Format created under the dynamics of a chat between friends, which focuses on a specific topic of conversation aimed at the football, health and wellness industry.

Proposal and dynamics for the event:

Nelson Ramos + guest + Camus Bernal (Moderator)

Duration: 1 hour and 1.5 hours.

Dynamics: 3 segments (20 minutes to talk about each topic) x 30 minutes to answer questions from the audience.

Attendees: 250 people approx. – FREE assistance event

Free strategic modules or by registration in favor of the mentality that a GOALKEEPER must have in their life and in their training process as athletes.

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